ButterFruit and Banana Milk Shake

Ingredients :

Butter Fruit - 1 (Skin peeled and diced)

Banana - 1

Milk - 1 glass

Dates - 4 - 5 (soaked) 

Almond - 6 - 8 (Soaked)

Ice Cubes - 5 - 6

How to Make Butter Fruit Banana Milk Shake :

1. To the mixi jar add Butter fruit, Banana, Milk, Dates, Almond, Ice Cubes.

2. Grind the Mixture Well.

3. Pour it into a glass, garnish it with cut almonds. Butter Fruit Banana milkshake is ready to serve. 

Yummy Healthy Food Happy Tummy 😊.

As long as you live keep smiling because it brightens everybody’s day.”  ✨

 --Shilp 💫


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